Happy Easter

I know I'm more than a day late, but:


I hope you enjoyed your chocolate bunnies and candies and egg dying! I know we enjoyed our time with family. All good food and good people to enjoy this celebration of life with!

And one thing that stands out to me this year is a sense of nostalgia, of longing not just for good old days but for the future ones too. Our family is big, but the last couple years we've all, including the youngest, been too old to enjoy things like Easter egg hunts and coloring eggs and though that makes me sad it's not a bad thing. Just people growing up. But I miss so much having young ones to enjoy those things. Watching a child experience Easter is, for me, better than experiencing it myself. 

When we get older our wonder and joy over the holidays tend to revolve more around just not having work for a bit. I can't wait until my 6 month old niece is big enough to understand it and I can't wait to throw it together for my own kids some day. It's honestly amazing how much a young one can change the feel of a holiday. So that's my favorite part of Easter. What about you? What made your Easter special this year?


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